Most of the time, D doesn't bother me. It's not that I could care less or that I don't take care of myself. On the contrary, I do whatever I have to do to keep my numbers in range. Most of the time though, I feel like diabetes is as difficult as science. Every time you think you have finally figured out the correct settings on your insulin pump, something new lurks around the corner to bite you in the bum. It can be really frustrating, you know. Why can't D behave every now and then? Let's say once a month? Is that too much to ask? I'm not even asking once a week, just one day a month or even one single night a month? No lows, no highs, no unexpected swings in that blood sugar. Wouldn't that be the best thing ever?
I don't like to whine about diabetes. It doesn't get us anywhere, does it? It is what it is and we have to take it as it comes. Things have improved quite a bit since I started using CGM Dexcom 5 months ago. The average number on my graphs is lower than it used to be. I'm getting better at understanding the alarms it gives me and I'm doing better at preventing highs and lows. The sad thing though, is that you can prevent the lows, but you have to prevent them by eating or drinking carbs. I can feel the carbs cling to my hips and tummy and that really upsets me. I have come so far and I was so proud of the weight loss. Now it seems like my pants have downsized and my pretty blouses open their buttons all by themselves when I take a deep breath. Me not like.. If only there were a pattern in the lows and highs. It would make it possible to change the basal settings on my insulin pump. But hey guess what: what's new??? There is NO PATTERN! No pattern whatsoever! Are you playing tricks with me, stupid diabetes? Gimme a break, okay? I'm trying to look after myself here. Just bear a bit with me, will ya? Grrrrumble...
I'm done with the rant now. I'm going to correct that high (nowadays 145 is high) very carefully. I have put small boxes of chocolate milk on the way upstairs, to help me beat those nighttime lows, if they will present themselves tonight. Tomorrow is another day. And D will still be there..
I don't like to whine about diabetes. It doesn't get us anywhere, does it? It is what it is and we have to take it as it comes. Things have improved quite a bit since I started using CGM Dexcom 5 months ago. The average number on my graphs is lower than it used to be. I'm getting better at understanding the alarms it gives me and I'm doing better at preventing highs and lows. The sad thing though, is that you can prevent the lows, but you have to prevent them by eating or drinking carbs. I can feel the carbs cling to my hips and tummy and that really upsets me. I have come so far and I was so proud of the weight loss. Now it seems like my pants have downsized and my pretty blouses open their buttons all by themselves when I take a deep breath. Me not like.. If only there were a pattern in the lows and highs. It would make it possible to change the basal settings on my insulin pump. But hey guess what: what's new??? There is NO PATTERN! No pattern whatsoever! Are you playing tricks with me, stupid diabetes? Gimme a break, okay? I'm trying to look after myself here. Just bear a bit with me, will ya? Grrrrumble...
I'm done with the rant now. I'm going to correct that high (nowadays 145 is high) very carefully. I have put small boxes of chocolate milk on the way upstairs, to help me beat those nighttime lows, if they will present themselves tonight. Tomorrow is another day. And D will still be there..
En als je nu nog net dat beetje sneller ingrijpt voor een hypo, en dan niet door iets te eten, maar door je pomp tijdelijk lager te zetten?
Ik ben dat alvast aan het overwegen, want momenteel doe ik minimaal 7 hypo's op een dag en ik kan dus geen fanta of weet ik veel meer zien.
It's not a rant, nor a whine-fest, but rather a very healthy does of venting. And what a perfect place to do it. :-)
Diabetes is even more difficult than science. At least science is consistent.
Hang in there!
Het is het proberen waard, Katrien. Ik hou je op de hoogte. Ben net overgeschakeld van cola naar fanta, hahah.. Misschien moet jij van fanta naar cola?
That's right Scott. Science is consistent, diabetes isn't. Badassbetes... duh! But we don't give up, right? There's too many of us and we just can't give up.
Eet je tussendoortjes? Een appel als tussendoortje voorkomt laagtes in de voor- en/of namiddag en tikt niet zo snel aan op de weegschaal. :-)
Ik eet mijn tussendoortjes normaal gezien op de momenten waarop ik te laag dreig te komen. Vaak is dat fruit.
In cola zit veel cafeïne en aan de hoeveelheden die ik nu zou moeten binnenspelen, is dat niet zo goed voor dien extra hier. ;)
Daar had ik helemaal niet bij stilgestaan. Geen cafféine in Fanta dus?
Euh, dat denk ik toch? *gaat rap ne keer checken, anders is het kind al lang volledig gedoemd tot ADHD ofzo, denk ik :P*
Nee dus ;). Ik neem trouwens ook de fanta still, dat giet toch wat vlotter weg dan liters prikfanta.
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