Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Total failure

So today I went to see Dr. Feelgood. Or should I say: Dr. Feelbad, because I sure didn't have a good feeling about myself when I left his office. He wasn't happy with my diabetes management at all. He complained about my blood glucose being too high. He complained about me using too many strips a day. He complained about my weight loss, or the lack of weight loss. Although I did loose 5 pounds! And that is a big achievement for me, knowing that there are many other things playing a role in the difficulty to loose weight. Well, he made me feel bad about myself. I'm not happy with him at all today. He made me feel like a total failure...and I'm back to square one...


Upje said...

But you KNOW you're not, ok???

www.kokenenhogehakken.blogspot.be said...

you're sweet Upje... I knew I could count on you. x

Unknown said...

how is your hba1C ? that's all that matters isn't it ?

I can't understand why a Dr. would complain about losing weight, except if you're as thin as me :)

And using too many strips ? well that's also none of his business.

www.kokenenhogehakken.blogspot.be said...

Hey JD,
I had my blood work done today but I won't know my A1c until Thursday.
Dr. Feelgood was complaining about the lack of weight loss. He had expected better from me. He wants me to loose 20 kg... Like I wouldn't want to loose it??? Gimme a break! He has no idea, skinny as he is.

I also think it's none of his business how many strips I use. He didn't have to pay for them, did he? He wants me to have better management, and how am I supposed to do so if he won't let me measure more? I'm lost somewhere along the diabetes road.

Unknown said...

oops I misunderstood about your weight loss.
Indeed your doctor doesn't pay the strips, I don't see why he complains