Monday, June 8, 2009

Mystery Diagnosis

One of the TV shows I like to record, is Mystery Diagnosis. It's pretty fascinating to hear about all those unknown diseases. Most of the times, there's a happy ending. I prefer happy endings. Most episodes of the show make me cry. But that's okay. It's good to cry once in a while. I don't like to cry in public though. I prefer some private time when I need to shed some tears. I'm not used to people comforting me when I'm sad. I haven't had that kind of comfort as a kid and I have become so used to solving my own tears, that it would feel pretty akward to have someone comfort me. Although it would be nice once in a while.

Anyway, Mystery Diagnosis. One of the shows was about a woman who had PCOS or Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. Her symptoms sounded more than familiar to me. I had it tested after the show and did I have PCOS alright! My ovaries were stuffed with cysts. Since I had my uterus removed in 2003, there is no need to remove these cysts. Because they will be back after some time. It was a revelation to me, to find out that I had PCOS. It's also related to diabetes and I wonder which came first: diabetes or PCOS? I guess I will never know..

I have learned to rely on my instinct. If your body says something is wrong, find a doctor to help you. Ask for a second opinion. Don't let them tell you it's all in the head. Because you know your body. And you know when something is wrong..


Upje said...

Dus over x aantal maanden zien we jou in MD verschijnen? Je weet de boodschap die er bij hen achter schuilt alvast al heel goed te brengen ...

Het is trouwens al veel te lang geleden dat ik nog eens heb kunnen kijken! 'k Moet er werk van maken ... said...

spannend altijd hè