Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Your voice will not be the only voice in your child's ear

Whenever you decide to welcome a child into your home, your life changes. A tiny creature will grow up in the environment you provide for it. It will totally depend on the people that take care of it. But remember: your voice will not be the only voice in your child's ear. There are so many people that will come in contact with your child and all of them will make some sort of impression. Try to make sure that your own voice will be loving, caring and open minded. Talk to your child, tell your child that it is loved and welcome. Don't deprive your child from having contact with other people, just because you fear it will no longer see you as the most important person in the world. By no means can you force someone to love you. If you want your child to love you, give it the opportunity to be itself. Your child will love you back, trust me.

Once your child starts to hear other voices, it can start building its own personality. Different people have different opinions. Children need to hear different voices, to broaden their horizon. Otherwise, they will live in a very small world, consisting of only one voice, the voice of its mother. That mother can be very loving and wise, but children are entitled to more loving and caring people in their life. Contact with other people teaches the child good life lessons. They get to know different characteristics, they learn to see differences in people. It's good for their emotional and intellectual growth.

Don't deprive your child from hearing other voices. Don't be selfish. Children are not property, they are a gift.. You don't own them. You get the chance to raise a child and to give it all the chances it deserves. Give it a good and happy life, full of opportunities and chances to grow.

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