Saturday, July 4, 2009

Forbidden fruits

Diabetics are supposed to eat healthy, like any other non-diabetic person. The thing is, many non-diabetics tell us how to live our lives and more specific: what we can and preferably what we cannot eat. Although the diet of either a non-diabetic or a diabetic is the same: healthy food, in moderation.

As I have told you before: diabetics have to consider the amount of carbohydrates in the food they eat. Many products contain carbs and so does fruit. We cannot eat fruit without thinking how many carbs we are having and how much insulin we need to cover the portion. I'm glad my favorite fruits are red fruit. Because red fruit has the least carbs of all fruits. There aren't any forbidden fruits, but you need to keep in mind that some fruits contain much more carbs than others. I'll give you an example:

100 gram of .. contains .. gr of carbs

strawberries 5
grapes 14
blue berries 6
cherries 13
banana 20
apple 11
peach 9
kiwi fruit 12
pear 9
pineapple 12
mango 14
orange 8.5
passion fruit 8
rhubarb 2

So I don't eat grapes or banana that often, because they contain a lot of sugar. I do like mango though, so that's my special treat if I long for sweets. We grow rhubarb in our back yard and it's a great fruit for diabetics, since it only has 2 gr carbs in 100 gr!

I limit my portions of fruit to two pieces a day and I think that's a fair deal. I hear most people don't even eat two portions of fruit on a daily basis. Nor do they eat 5 portions of vegetables per day. So why do non-diabetics keep telling us what WE should eat in order to stay healthy??

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