Saturday, August 1, 2009

Summer camp

My sweet daughter... you've left for summer camp. You were very excited to spend some time with your friends and away from your family. I'm sure you will have a ball and all of you will have a wonderful time. There won't be much time to take showers or blow dry your hair (and we know how peculiar you are about that) and you will certainly lack a lot of sleep. But I'm so glad you still go on summer camp! Maybe one day you will be on the other side of the group, guiding young children to go on camp.
You had to bring "religious clothes", whatever that means. So your daddy's aunt Erika, who is a nun in the convent, gave you her first uniform to take along. I thought that was a little too much, since she is very attached to that uniform and it is way too precious to ruin it. You still have a lot to choose from: a priest's gown and a nun's outfit, little cap and all. You looked pretty much like a saint wearing it, although we all know better, sweetheart.. you will never be a nun...
Let's hope you will have a wonderful time! We'll see you on the 9th of August! Have fun!

If you feel the urge to surprise Lana with a card, please send it to:

Chiro Mago - Dobo Neeroeteren
Chiro Ekyrpak Lana Joos
Zandbergerstraat z/n


Upje said...

Tiens, deze had ik gisteren ook al eens gezien precies ;-).

Denk je dat ze het leuk vind een kaartje te krijgen van iemand die ze van toeten noch blazen kent? If so, zal ik er hier eens eentje zoeken! said...

denk je echt dat Lana niet weet wie Upje is???

Upje said...

Oeioeioei. Hihihi. ;)