Saturday, September 5, 2009

Longing for big nuts

I believe I must have been 14 at the time. I took the train to go to school in Ieper, West Flanders. I couldn't wait for school to be over, to rush back to the train station. How I longed for big nuts! Hey! Behave, will you!!!! I'm talking about a delicious, fulfilling piece of chocolate bar, filled with crunchy, whole peanuts! I don't remember the exact brand, but the bar was called Big Nuts. I got it out of a vending machine and it was so satisfying to have one. I remember how much it was: 20 Belgian franks (half a euro). I would suck up the chocolate and leave the peanuts for dessert... hmhmhm... Do you think the chocolate bar still exists?


Upje said...

Bedoel je deze?

In dat geval dus blijkbaar wel, want deze website is van 2009 ;-). Maar ikzelf heb het alvast nog nooit gezien ... said...

jaaaaaaaa! dat is 'm!!!! Ik zal eens moeten kijken of ik die nog ergens kan vinden! Bedankt hè!