It is completely normal that you do your best. Not only in school, but in later life, at work, as well. Belgians are not that good at giving each other a compliment, when things are considered "normal". You only get valued when you do something extraordinary, something unexpected. That's when you get a pat on the shoulder. Over here, there are no signs in front of your company, stating your name next to EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH. There is no special name tag for when you have served the company 5 years. There are no bonuses for a project you ended with flying colors. It's up to your superiors to praise your efforts. Some superiors are better at this than others. The most important thing is, that you value yourself. It is important that you know that you do well at whatever you do. It is nice though, to hear others tell you every now and then...
I'm not your boss nor your superior. But nevertheless I can tell you, you are doing great. I hear how your colleagues talk about you in your favor. When you got that special email, to thank you for the energy you have put into that assignment, it made you proud and it made you feel appreciated. I think there is not one day you don't do the best you can. You are good at solving problems and you are even better at solving projects others are having trouble with. I believe you are truly gifted... I'm proud of you.
I'm not your boss nor your superior. But nevertheless I can tell you, you are doing great. I hear how your colleagues talk about you in your favor. When you got that special email, to thank you for the energy you have put into that assignment, it made you proud and it made you feel appreciated. I think there is not one day you don't do the best you can. You are good at solving problems and you are even better at solving projects others are having trouble with. I believe you are truly gifted... I'm proud of you.