Coming back from the US, where I worked as an au pair, I cleaned up my room so it could be more of an adult room than a messy teenager bedroom. Under my bed, I found my little metal locker, that my mother gave me after my brother distributed copies of my diary to all of his friends. At the time, I was devastated when I found out and ran home, all teared up. My mother said that was not done! and she bought me a metal locker and a brand new diary. I felt safe again. I gathered all my private belongings and kept them in the locker.
It was not until I came back from the States, that I finally found out how my mother knew all about me. I was looking for my school diplomas in her bedroom and I came across an envelope in her drawer. It contained a key.. it looked pretty familiar to me. It was the spare key of my "private" locker..
So don't tell me I talk in my sleep.
Wat moet jij een vreselijk hatelijke broer en moeder (gehad?) hebben Bittersweet. Mijn haren rijzen ten berge!
Ik mag er niet aan denken dat ik zo'n jeugdtrauma's zou oplopen... :'( Dat zal ik later mijn kinderen nooit aandoen! Ze hebben recht op hun geheimen en niemand mag die van hen afnemen, ook niet hun broer of moeder. Gelukkig zullen jouw kinderen hiermee niet hoeven geconfronteerd te worden!
Curiousity kills the cat!
Tijd heelt alle wonden.. maar sommige zaken blijven lang nazinderen.
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